"Blackpink cake", as per requested...😅😅 To My Darling BuBu, You’ve reached the 1st decade of your life. YAY!! Welcome to your first double digit birthday, the one who has to grow up and experience everything with me, the one who saw the inexperienced version of me, who sees my mistakes and still sticks to me through it all. Thank you for showing me true, unconditional love through all the tears and laughter. I don’t believe in leaving legacies for next generations. To me, what we leave in them is more important. Though I brought you into this world, I believe that it’ll always be your choice to choose which path in life you want to take. I can only try my best to nurture, to guide, to support, to give you the security, to create as many memories, and with these foundations, I hope they will help you to know yourself better, to equip you to face the world and to make a difference in your future life. Like I always say, no one can play our role better t...
Recently I saw a friend posted on food she catered for a family gathering and I immediately fell in love with the pastel colored roti jala. When I saw them on this Herba and Rempah restaurant menu, I was excited to try it out . Rainbow roti jala with chicken curry (RM16.90). Look at the Oh-so-pretty colors! Parking was a little hard to get as most of the outdoor street parking were reserved for offices in that area. When the lady boss brought the menu over, she said the Rainbow Jala was sold out. Owwhh, I was disappointed… Perhaps I was a little too expressive and my ‘disappointed’ face was too obvious, she told me to hold on, she will check to see if there was 1 last set left. Boy, lucky me, there was! She even threw in 2 flower jala for me, for free! Happy me!! I also ordered the blue pea nasi lemak with salted fish bone vegetable curry, another 1 of their signature dishes. The rice was fragrant. The curry was nice bu...