Was shopping at the usual supermarket recently when I saw a lady promoting something which, from far, looked like sweet potatoes to me. I d...

Was shopping at the usual supermarket recently when I saw a lady promoting something which, from far, looked like sweet potatoes to me. I didn't pay attention to her til she called out to me and handed me a piece to sample. She was promoting organic yacons, not sweet potato. The moment I put it into my mouth, I remembered eating this looong time ago, but because I seldom see it in the supermarkets, I had totally forgotten about such a thing. 

The yacon is a traditionally grown for its crisp, sweet-tasting, tuberous roots. Though the root looks like a sweet potato, the taste and texture are completely different. Its crispy texture, juiciness and mildly sweet taste makes it somewhat similar to water chestnut or snow pear. It can be eaten raw or cook. It is said that yacon is very high in fiber and low in calories which makes it a healthy and nutritious snack. Some of the health benefits of yacon include its ability to regulate blood sugar levels, lower 'bad' cholesterol, help with weight loss, lower blood pressure, improve the health of the liver, boost digestive health, and strengthen the immune system.

Light, sweet and refreshing :)
This is how the yacon looks like. At one glance I think most people would think it's a sweet potato too...
The inside looks like potato.


  • Approx 350g yacon
  • 1 corn, cut into sections
  • 1 carrot, peeled and cut into pieces
  • 6 red dates, pits removed
  • Approx 150 - 200g pork ribs
  • 1500ml water

  1. Scald pork ribs in boiling water for 5 mins. Rinse and set aside. 
  2. Peel the yacon and cut it into chunks. Note: It will oxidize, but at a slow rate.
  3. Put all ingredients together with water into a pot. Bring to a boil over high heat. Turn to low heat and simmer for 2 hours. Serve. 

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